Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Finishing Line Press Proudly Announces the publication of:

El Agua Es La Sangre de la Tierra (Water is the Blood of the Earth) by Alifair Skebe is a limited edition chapbook of poems written in English. The collection's subject is the New Mexico landscape around Albuquerque and considers colonization and the vibrancy of 'native' images still present in the landscape. Immaculate Conception, the book’s cover art, is an original painting by Ms. Skebe.

stream of blood
on soil
a doubling

El Agua Es la Sangre de la Tierra is in advanced/pre-publication sales through February 8, 2008. Pre-publication sales will determine the number of copies printed by the publisher. Please make sure you purchase a copy before February 8, 2008. All sales during the pre-publication period include free shipping within the USA (please add $3.00 for orders shipped internationally). After February 8, 2008, please add $2.00 shipping. Books will be shipped after March 7th.

To order, you may complete and mail the following order form, along with payment, to Finishing Line Press, or you may visit www.finishinglinepress.com and click on “NEW RELEASES & FORTHCOMING”. Authors are listed alphabetically.

If you have already purchased the book, please consider forwarding this announcement to friends or institutions who may be interested

Order Form

Please send me ______ copy/copies of El Agua Es La Sangre De La Tierra (“Water is the Blood of the Earth”), by Alifair Skebe, at $12.00 each (add $3.00 shipping fee for international orders and $2.00 shipping fee for orders placed after February 8th).



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Finishing Line Press
Post Office Box 1626
Georgetown, KY 40324